Research within the area of working life needs to be strengthened and synthesised in order to clarify research needs and facilitate the dissemination of results. Within the national programme for working life research, Forte now welcomes applications for grants for research reviews and grants for research focus and development.

Focus area

There are major changes and challenges facing today’s working life. Within the national programme for working life research, Forte has a strategic agenda that describes the focus and prioritised challenges of the programme. Three main challenges have been prioritised:

  1. Creating a sustainable and inclusive working life,
  2. Promoting good working conditions,
  3. Achieving a working life that promotes health.

Research within these challenges are in need of strengthening and the research that already exists needs to be synthesised in order to enable communication, implementation and the identification of areas that need further resources in the coming years.

The current Covid-19 epidemic is affecting working life in a very tangible manner with consequences for individuals, companies, the public sector and society at large. The consequences need to be highlighted from various perspectives and Forte welcomes applications that relate different aspects of the pandemic on working life.

Grant types

This call offers two different types of grants. Only one application per main applicant is allowed in this call. Information about each grant type, including grant amounts and eligibility requirements are found in the document “Information about the call”.

Grant for research reviews

The purpose of the grant is to collect results from research with relevance for the extensive challenges in working life. Research reviews shall result in a report of a maximum of 50 pages. The report shpuld include analyses of the state-of-the-art research surrounding a research question with relevance for working life as well as identification of research needs.

You are eligible to apply for a research review grant if you have completed your doctoral examination by the deadline of this call for applications.

Grant for research focus and development

The purpose of the grant for research focus and development is to open up space for individual researchers to complete and synthesise previous research and relate the research to the research frontier within and outside the researcher’s discipline. Grantees should apply a future-perspective on the research and summarise a concise report.

You are eligible to apply for a research focus and development grant if you are an associate professor or professor by the deadline of this call for applications.

The administering organisation must have an account

To be able to apply for a grant, a Swedish university or another research funding body must administrate the funding and have an organisational account in Prisma. The administering organisation should apply for this in due time via Prisma.

Forte’s criteria for administering organisations

Time plan

27 August 2020: The call closes
Mid-September 2020: Forte decides which applications will be granted funding
1 November 2020: Project start